So, David and I popped to McDonalds for dinner about a week ago. They have a promotion going on for American themed burgers right now. Do they have that in Canada? Well, I decided to be brave and give the Idaho burger a try. Man, heart attack on a bun. Holy hell. It was delicious, don't get me wrong. A potato patty added to a burger is a wonderful idea~ But I could almost feel my arteries blocking up. Ahahaha. XD
Last Thursday I finally got my test results for my blood work. I was super excited to find out my blood type. With my parents being O+ and O-, I was worried that I'd end up with O+. David has O- and that would make things a bit complicated for us for having children. But, no matter. I am an A+! Wooo! Safe! The ladies in the clinic gave me a card to keep and I was all giddy with relief at being an A+! Awesome!

On my way home, I decided to take a different way than what I normally take. Well, that's only half true. I caught my train in Sendai, but I caught the rapid train rather than the local. The rapid skips my usual stop, but it stops in Natori, so I got out there. Usually I take the main roads back to my apartment, but I thought it'd be fun to take a longer route and see where I end up. I ended up walking by a really nice looking shrine. I was wondering where the closest shrine was, and I guess I found it. I'm gonna go back and take more pictures when the sakura are in bloom. Should be sometime next month!

So, while I was in Sendai getting my results, I also made a pit stop to Jupiter. I ended up buying a taco kit! Taaaaco's! I hadn't eaten a proper taco in almost 2 years! I practically did a jig in the store when I found it. And it was 20% off to boot! Awesome. I also found some really nice tea. I had no idea Wedgewood made tea, but the more you know~ It's quite nice, actually. There's 4 types in the pack: Picnic tea, Weekend Morning tea, Earl Grey Flowers tea and Fine Strawberry tea. Yummm~
And right now there seems to be a big shinkansen thing going on in Japan. The milk tea I like had little toys included with purchase, so I picked up a bottle. I think I got the Hayate model. Or the Yamabiko model. I can't remember. But, it's cute. I put it on the little shelf behind my seat.
So yeah. The taco's. AMAZING. It made me oh so happy eating them. I wish we had salsa too, but it was like 750yen for a little bottle, so I opted to pass. The pack came with taco sauce, so it's all good. And even better, we had leftovers, so I made myself a taco salad the next night for dinner. Woo!
Last night David and I went out for curry. Yummmm~ I tried the pork tenderloin curry this time and wow. Was it ever tasty! I didn't manage to get a picture, but it was really good. I did snap a quick picture of the menu, though. They have an English menu and in the back it has the section where you can choose your spice level. They actually have a rule that you can't eat the maximum spicy level unless you eat a full helping of the previous spice level! It's kinda cute!
I indulged recently and bought a few different treats that I've been meaning to try. I wanted to try the Darjeeling tea flavoured MOW ice cream. It was ok~ It actually tasted like a florally darjeeling milk tea in ice cream form. It tasted a lot more darjeeling that I anticipated! I probably won't get it again, but it was cool~ I also tried a new type of Cafe au Lait. Again, not bad, but probably won't get it again. Meh. Live and learn, I guess.

Which brings us to today~ I had a dentist appointment in Sendai, so I woke up at 7am this morning. Gah. My appointment was at 9am in an area I wasn't truly familiar with, so I wanted to be early. I ended up getting there with about 10 minutes to spare. Normally when I go to the dentist I'm nervous and I twitch and talk a lot, but this time I wasn't nervous. Felt all relaxed~ Utako-sensei is really nice. She's fluent in English and was really sweet about making sure I was comfortable. After my appointment, as I was walking back to the station, I remembered that there was a book I was interested in buying. I wasn't sure if they'd carry it, but it was worth a shot. I'd never been in this store before, so I kinda wandered aimlessly for a few minutes until I stumbled into the English section! The had a whole area dedicated to English books! I was so happy. And there, on the shelf was the book I was coveting. The Sherlock Casebook! Awesome! I promptly bought myself the only copy they had and dashed off to Starbucks for breakfast and a chance to crack it open.

When I got back to Natori and started walking home, I noticed that it was looking kinda ominous! The forecast had said we only had an 8% chance of precipitation. But it looked like we were going to get a storm. I booted it home and it stayed dry. It's all sunny now and we didn't get rain, as far as I know. *shrug* Strange~
As I was writing this up David sent me a text. It looks like he made this drawing with his students. It's really cute!
And that's it~ I'm gonna go grab my new book and curl up with it. Might eat my leftover stir fry, too. Hmmm~
I really like this book. Can you tell?